California Trust Fund Handling
From ancient Mesopotamia to present day California, the process of properly transferring funds has been and is the foundation of real estate transactions. As a real estate professional, you act as the trusted intermediary, handling funds from one party to another as part of the transaction. These funds, known as trust funds, come in a myriad of forms such as earnest money deposits, security deposits, rent payments, and much more. Proper handling of trust funds is a fiduciary duty of the real estate professional and must be done with care and integrity. In this course you will learn the processes involved in managing and accounting for trust funds, the requirements involved in using trust accounts and how to ensure trust funds are properly managed. By the end of this course, you will learn how to reconcile trust fund accounts and how auditing processes work.
Marsennia Wells, M.S. Ed, M.A., Instructor, Connect Classroom
Contact Instructor: [email protected]
Course Information:
CE Credit: 3 hours
Written section length: 3 hours
Estimated time to complete course: 3 hours
Course Objectives:
- Identify the differences between trust funds and non-trust funds
- Recall fiduciary responsibilities when handling trust funds and non-trust funds
- Recall the requirements for managing trust fund accounts
- Identify the actions that are prohibited by law regarding trust fund management
- Understand how to balance and reconcile accounts properly according to auditing standards
Industry Experts:
Marsennia WellsM.S. Ed, M.A. - Instructor at Connect Classroom